28 August 2013 / No Comments

TIRAMISU with wild strawberries

The reason I would move to Italy tomorrow……..no actually TODAY!

And just one word to describe this creamy, dreamy dessert  – PERFECTION!



Serves 4


4 glasses 😉

8 (large) sponge fingers (around 120g/4oz), broken – 2 fingers for each glass
500g/18 oz mascarpone(room temperature)
4 egg yolks (room temperature)
2-4 tbsp icing sugar(depending on whether sponge fingers are covered with sugar, mine were so I    used 2 tbsp)
150 ml/5fl oz coffee,made with 1 tsp ground coffee and 150ml/5fl oz boiling water
30ml/1fl oz amaretto liqueur
1-2 tsp cocoa powder
120g wild strawberries(or any alternative fruit)


1. Bring 1/4 water to boil in a medium pan and turn the heat right down. Put the egg yolks and sugar into a metal bowl and place over the boiling water(make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water) and whisk it with an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Take it of the steaming water and whisk for another couple of minutes, adding 2tbsp of mascarpone at a time until the consistency is very smooth. Divide into 4 parts(drawing a line with a spoon).

2. Mix COLD coffee with amaretto liqueur in a separate bowl.

3.Dip some of the biscuit in a coffee mixture(try not to make them too soggy) and place on the bottom of each glass, layer with a spoonful(or maybe 2) of mascarpone cream on the top and sprinkle with cocoa powder, repeat again – I fit 3 layers in my glasses.

4.Chill in the fridge overnight (or at least 5 hours)


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