2 April 2014 / 5 Comments


Does everyone else also suffer from chronic lack of time?HELP!I haven’t got time for anything….I either got myself involve into too many things or my day is just shorter than everyone else’s. HOW TO STOP THIS CLOCK?What is wrong with today’s world?It looks like everybody is rushing everywhere like a whirlwind and we  live in such convenient times. We don’t spend days hunting our food – it takes minutes, hour the most to buy everything we need in the supermarket. We don’t walk anywhere – we drive. We go to a restaurant or buy something on the go, so we don’t have to cook, dishwasher washes up our dishes, washing machines wash our clothes.With one click of the button we connect with friends without going out….We’ve got everything we need to save time but we still haven’t got it….Where is the time?

For those who think the time is priceless I suggest buy a blender and conjure some sunshine in a bottle during a rainy day within minutes 🙂



Serves: 4


1 big mango, chopped
1 banana,chopped
2 pears, chopped
500 ml apple juice
fresh juice from half a lime
1.Place all the ingredients in the blender.
2. Switch  the blender on 😉
3.Blend until smooth.
4. Switch the blender off 🙂

hugs and kisses xxx


  1. ..chronic lack ok time?? That’s me, of course!!!! Even today I’m running trying to do everything.. but I’m happy to stop for a while and enjoy your post!! Amazing photos as usual, all the sun in a cocktail!!! 🙂

  2. Uffff……I’m glad I’m not the only one running around like mad 🙂 Thanks so much Elisabetta for stopping by 🙂

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