20 July 2014 / No Comments
Raspberry trifle
Should I be worried about myself?Talking specifically….. about the way I feel about the food. I get so super excited that I just want to tell my family, friends, neighbours, that man walking the dog every morning on my road, kids playing in the park, everyone on facebook, twitter, instagram……about that delicious something I’ve just eaten. What is more, I go shopping and I feel like shouting to everybody in Sainsbury’s to buy the ingredients for that amazing dish I’ve tried. I’ve got this urge to share the food I love, to share my passion!Please tell me I’m not just the freakiest freak in the world and some of you feel the same!
Last weekend I went to my favourite garden centre, wandering around the narrow paths I spotted few raspberry bushes on one side. There was quite a lot of ripe fruits on their branches….ok….I looked around….nobody’s about…I know it’s wrong…….I don’t care…..I’m gonna just have one…..Felt like a criminal for a sec but as soon as I tried it I thought ”I’m in heaven- raspberry’s heaven”. I felt like shouting to people ”Guys,come here, you must try this raspberries!Everyone!You must buy this raspberry bush!!!”.(I would’ve probably been writing to you from a mental hospital if my common sense hadn’t stopped me). I just like to share with what I love 🙂 It’s not a crime is it?
So now everyone, for raspberries off you go!!!!We gonna make some awesome trifles!