11 December 2013 / No Comments
You will need a muffin tray for this recipe 😉
220g plain flour
230 g butter(cold),cut into small cubes
salt,small pinch
60-70ml cold water
PLUS:butter for greasing
750g apples,chopped
2-3 tbsp cinnamon
4 tbsp sugar
1.Sift the flour into a medium bowl,add salt and butter.Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips.Now add 60 ml water and combine together using hands.If the mixture feels too crumbly add some more water.Divide into two balls, flatten them into discs,wrap with cling film and put in the fridge for 1 hour.
2.In the meantime put apples into a pan over a small heat.Add sugar and cinnamon and cook for 10-15 minutes.After this time, turn off the heat and let it cool.
3.Preheat the oven 190 C/170 C fan/GAS 5.Grease muffin tray with butter.
4.Take the pastry out the fridge and roll out on a lightly floured surface (around 5 mm thick) and cut out the circles (9,5-10 cm) using a glass or a jar.Line each muffin mould with the cut out pastry so that the bottom and the edges are all covered.Fill up with the apple mixture.Cut narrow stripes from the rest of the pastry and wove on the top of each pie and press the edges together.If you don’t feel creative just cut out smaller circles(7 cm), press the edges together and cut small crosses in the middles.
5.Bake for 30-33 minutes.
Served warm or cold 😉 😉 😉