29 January 2014 / 2 Comments
I want to pay a tribute here to the most amazing device in my house – my HERO – my BLENDER.Thank you, thank you, thank you!And also to the person who invented it. YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE SO MUCH EASIER!
Yes!I’m standing in the kitchen, looking at it while it blends my favourite foods into a velvety and creamy smoothie and I’m thinking ”GOSH YOU ARE AMAZING”. 10 min longer in bed(and everyone knows what 10 min longer in bed feels like), scrumptious breakfast(or lunch, or snack)within 2 minutes and this taste……hmmmmm 🙂 it will spoil your taste buds….
For 3 big glasses
2 small bananas
1 small mango
500 ml organic soya milk
1 BIG spoonful of milled flaxseeds
B L E N D 🙂

Dokładnie robię taki sam koktajl i nawet mam w domu mango i banana 😀 Przepięknie jest u Ciebie 🙂 Chce się jeść!
Ale mi miłooooo.Dziekuję Gosiu 🙂