PEARS baked with maple syrup


2017!Holy $#!t!

So,here we start another trip around the Sun!Crazzzzzzy.But you know what?It’s my 31st and I’m more excited than EVER.
Just think of all the food that can be tasted in the next 12 months!And how much can be learnt about photohraphy during the next 365(ok 361 now) days!And hey, challanges, life lessons, unexpected adventures, I am ready for you. I’m ready for the ride!

I really love how stepping into New Year always brings joy, optimism, hope, good vibes and exciting plans!Everybody seems so much happier.I’ve never seen so many happy faces around on a Monday morning!(ok, there were some hangovered faces too!lol!)That’s just how it shoud be. It’s exciting!It’s special! It’s a fresh start of a new journey with a countless oportunities to learn, to experience life, to become better.

Let’s just don’t be to harsh on ourselves, shall we?

Let’s not strive to be perfect. Let’s make misteakes, be silly, admit we don’t have to know everything.Because we don’t!Let’s cry when we need to. Let’s enjoy life with all it’s ups and downs.Even if it kicks your ass from time to time.

2016 kicked my ass for sure! It was challanging. Painful. Rough. And we all know how difficult it was globally too. But hey, I feel stronger than before and It made my notice everyday magic more and appreciate the little beautiful moments.


So let’s just focus on those happy moments for a bit.
Simple food is what makes me happy.And I’m sure this recipe will make you happy too.It not only takes 20 minutes and it tastes sooooo good you will want to screem with excitment. That’s what I did anyway!


And If you have few spare moments I highly recommend reading this beautiful post about entering a New Year by Elizabeth Gilbert 🙂



5 ripe pears(conference pears are great for this recipe)
vanilla pod
maple syrup(how much you prefer :))
handful of hazelnuts


Preheat the oven to 190 C. Peel the pears,cut the fruit in half lengthwise and remove the cores with a teaspoon. Arrange on a baking sheet lined with a baking paper. Mix vanilla beans removed from the pod and mix with maple syrup.Pour over the pears. Chop the hazelnuts roughly and sprinkle over the pears. Bake for 15 minutes or until the fruit is soft.

Enjoy  with some cream or top up the porridge x



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Pssst.Would you like to know a secret?The most precious secret of them all…..?
It’s not going to be a tutorial about how to get rich,nor how to become a batman(or any other superhero!).There is something far much more important!The secret for having an amazing day.Everyday.The recipe is simple-delicious and wholesome breaky!All you need to beautify your day is to get up 15 minutes earlier(these 15 minutes extra in bed doesn’t make a difference anyway!),mix all the nutritious and super tasty ingredients in your favourite bowl.Voila!I told you it was simple 🙂

It works for me every time…The days when I have too much on my head,run around like a mad woman and skip breakfast,they are not good days at all.The days when I can’t be bothered and just scoff something or anything,I just feel okayish.But those days when I really pay attention to what I have for my breakfast and make a little feast,ohhh yes,they are the days I feel I can take over the world.

Breakfast bowl is like the best idea ever.You can throw as many things as possible(the more the better) into your favourite dish,just enjoy that moment and a GREAT DAY guaranteed 🙂

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serves 2


85g quinoa
25o ml hot water
125g sheep halloumi cheese,sliced
1 small red onion,sliced
1 small avocado,sliced
handful of spinach
2 eggs
pine nuts to sprinkle with
salt and pepper


4 tablespoons of natural yoghurt
handful of chives,chopped
salt and pepper


1.Cover quinoa with 2 cups (500ml) boiling water,add salt ans simmer for around 12-15 minutes until all the water has been absorbed.Put aside.

2.Bring around 1/4 water in a medium pan to boil – it’s for the eggs.

3.In the meantime,heat the oven to 374F/190C.Cut halloumi into thick slices 1/2 inch( 5mm) and put on the rack placed over a baking tray and bake for 3-5 minutes on the top shelf(closer to the heater). When the cheese golden on the top,flip it over and bake on the other side for another 3-5 minutes.Remove from the oven and let it cool down a little(I like mine a bit warm in salad).Cut into smaller pieces.

4.Prepare the dressing,mix the yoghurt with chives and season with salt and pepper.

5.Poach the eggs.(Look at the TIP).Divide all the ingredients between two dishes,top with the egg and the dressing and have an AMAZING DAY!

I always use traditional method for poaching eggs.1 egg at a time.
1.I bring around 1/4 water in a medium pan to boil,turn the heat down to simmer.
2.Then I crack eggs individually into a ramekin or cup.
3.I create a whirlpool in the water to help the egg white wrap around the yolk.
4.I then slowly tip the egg into the water.
5.It’s ready within 2-3 minutes.