25 February 2014 / 2 Comments
I feel like I’ve been cheating on my kitchen recently…. 🙂 I’ve been surfing through the net looking for the inspiration,hunting for new props, taking lots of photos and I haven’t had much time left for cooking.I caught myself falling in love with those recipes that you prepare literally in minutes, throw in the oven and do other things while it’s baking.(nothing really wrong with that, is it?) All my fancy equipment have been left aside, kitchen feels so empty and lifeless…and I only pay a visit to make another mug of green tea…
After nearly loosing tip of my finger yesterday(ok, I might be exaggerating a little 😉 but it’s going to be out of service for a bit), it looks like I’m going to like these kind of recipes even more…I might even consider a new category of recipes on my blog: busy Be(e)a or in case of an accident 🙂
Sooner or later – I’LL BE BACK!For now I’m leaving you here with a quick recipe for Baked eggs with mushrooms.
And look after yourselves guys 🙂 and your fingers!
9-fingered Bea 😀 xxx

Chyba to zrobie niedługo 🙂 Bardzo lubię Twoje różnego rodzaju naczynia >)
Naczyniomania? Też na to choruje 🙂